I just came across some random youtube videos of women combing really long hair, and as much as I found the hair itself lovely, I was slightly disturbed by the amount of male commenters underneath the videos stating that the hair was "so sexy," etc. I understand that these people could simply have a long hair fetish, but I then wondered if men naturally prefer women with longer hair.
I personally don't believe that men really care if hair is short or long - rather, they are attracted to hair that looks healthy overall. Interestingly enough, research indicates that men may actually prefer long hair on women. In the article "Why do men prefer long hair" on Hairfinder.com, the author states, "research has demonstrated that there is an evolutionary reason for men to prefer long hair to short hair on women." The article notes that "according to evolutionary theory, features considered attractive by the opposite sex serve as indicators of reproductive fitness." This may sound bogus, but the article travels deeper into this theory: "Experiments and observations have demonstrated that a woman's hair plays a major role in how men rate a woman's attractiveness. The quality and length of hair serves as a marker of genetic strength and overall health." Furthermore, "several studies have demonstrated that men find women with medium-length to long hair more attractive than shorter haired counterparts. Men also rate longer haired women as healthier and fitter than shorter haired women."
So, does this mean that you have to give up your short locks if you want to attract men? Of course not. All you have to do is look at the male fascination with Halle Berry, and any red-blooded male will tell you that she is a stunning woman with her short hair. The article also duly points out that "men are not ruled by evolutionary biases and many men report preferring short hair to long hair." It continues, "Shorter hair that is healthy and lustrous is better than having long hair that is damaged and unkempt." I completely agree with this author when he/she states, "Whatever the length, maintaining your hair's healthy appearance is the best way to ensure your partner or potential partner will appreciate the beauty of your hair."
So if you feel the need to get extensions in order to appear more attractive, you can let that feeling go - men will dig you, whether your hair is or looks really long, or if it is really short. Just be yourself and wear a hairstyle that you like that can be maintained in a healthy way, and the right man for you will be attracted to your unique style.
heya kris b! short kinky hair is evolutionary, too. most "research" is eurocentricand presupposes white standards and generally samples white people. the conclusions are then posed as if they are universals. sub-saharan africans generally have kinky hair that was worn short or sometimes longer in elaborate braiding styles. my personal preference is for black women with short kinky hair. sadly, black women who wear this hairstyle sometimes face discrimination--from first the First Wife, Michelle Obama, on down--in the workplace and must often combat internalized racism in the black community.
In my opinion, men love long hair. To add to that, men like long hair that is real as oppsed to fake hair. My brother's love long hair, so does my dad.
I have had my hair cut short in the Halle Berry/Anita Baker short cuts a few years ago and my dad was so upset, told me that I looked like a boy. I personally thought I looked cute with the short styles.
I was dating a guy and we were talking on the phone, so I thought I would tease him and tell him that I had shaved all my hair off. At first he said "seriously", I replied that I was serious, he was so horrified after that, LOL....so I stopped fooling around and told him I was playing...LOL.
Long hair is part of the attraction for guys (well, the guys that I know), to them it looks feminine, unsurprisingly.
If I could carry of a short do like Halle's, I'd chop off my locks in a second! I would like to think that it is confidence that guys are attracted to and if we feel comfortable with ourselves, they'll dig us no matter what our hairstyle. I've had anywhere from an above the shoulder length to much longer and the hubs loves it all. Or so he tells me. Ah ha
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