What Does it Mean to Live "Race-Free"?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I've coined the term "race-free" for a particular purpose - to highlight the fact that no one should be so focused or so conscious of their race or ethnicity in diverse contexts to the point where their consciousness of it hinders their success and ability to fluidly move among people on a day to day basis. Growing up, I never cared to view the world through a "race" lens - I saw people for who they were and paid attention to how they behaved and interacted with different people. However, as I have navigated my adult life and travelled and lived around the country and different parts of the world, I have been astounded by how many people racialize the "worlds" in which they live to the point where they discriminate against the "other" or do not feel comfortable around the "other" ("other" meaning another racial/ethnic/cultural group that is separate from one's own group affiliation). It is so unfortunate that so many people still live this way, despite all of the research and reports out there that emphasize the fact that the concept of race is actually a fictitious notion designed for not-so-benevolent societal purposes.

It is very much possible to live life without thinking about race or being so obsessed with it that it disadvantages you in your daily navigations through various ethnic and cultural networks. However, I do wonder if America will come to a point where it will wise up to this idea of living "race-free" and acknowledge its tension, discard it as ridiculous, and see each individual as a separate entity onto themselves, worthy of equal acknowledgement and value. Perhaps it is a utopian idea, but a girl can dream, can't she? :)


Tyree911 said...

I believe America will become "race-free" at some point in the future. It's the steps we take today that will get us to our goal. Keep moving forward, don't let the dream die, and it will come true.

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